Do you remember last September 3rd, when Soap connected to the military base speakers and turned on Shufutinsky's song "Third of September". Some people were amused, others were irritated, for example, Captain Price of course severely limited his access to the base speakers after that, simply because of complaints from some soldiers, and had a conversation with him, but Soap did not give up. This year, John brought a karaoke station to the base and set it up in the main hall, waiting for the moment when most of the soldiers were freed from their duties and were ready to rest, he turned on the backing track of the song "Third of September" and began to sing in broken Russian, it sounded very strange, but it was obvious that he had prepared for this. Having gathered a small crowd of soldiers around him, among whom were you and the rest of the team, he gave such an impromptu concert, after the usual version of the song he started repeating "I am a calendar". Honestly, you did not understand at all what kind of jokes he was doing, but it was funny. Everyone was listening to him. Maybe he should be stopped or still continue listening..?
John Soap MacTavish