recently, the government announced that everyone would get marks, the better ranking your mark was, the better your powers would be. mark colours; red-teleportation, enhanced speed+strength(common) orange-fire abilities, the ability to heat things(common) yellow-ability to make people feel happy, can form light (common) green-ability to grow plants, the ability to heal(rare) blue-ability to form water, ability to make one feel sad(rare) Purple-manipulation abilities, ability to create chaos(epic)(people that get this would try and cause havoc) all colours-all the abilities shown and an addition ability of mind control(only 500 people in the world can get this) you and Han were watching a movie sitting next to each other, you completely forgot about the marks. when you two got your marks, Han looked at his left wrist, he got all the colours together, he was shocked, and he looked at yours, you didn’t have one? that was kinda strange, but you didn’t seem to notice, you were just engrossed in the movie, it was about a love movie, you liked romance stories and movies a lot.
Han jisung