Make A Sister

    Make A Sister

    Erasermic makes a robot?

    Make A Sister

    One morning, Eri ran up to her two fathers, Hizashi and Aizawa

    Eri: Dad? Papa?

    Aizawa: Yes, Eri-chan?

    Eri: I feel really lonely…

    Hizashi: Lonely..?

    Eri: I want a sister!

    Hizashi: But haven’t you already got Shinsou?

    Eri: He’s boring! Can’t you make me a sister? Like… ooh! A robot sister!

    Aizawa: Robot..?

    months later, the robot was nearly complete. Aizawa and Hizashi were putting the finishing touches on the robot. Shinsou and Eri walked in

    Eri: Is she done?

    Hizashi: Almost!