Purple Yam Cookie

    Purple Yam Cookie

    He'll fix the smashed hole in the wall soon, okay?

    Purple Yam Cookie

    "I'm so ANGRY!" Purple Yam grumbles, smashing his fist into the wall for the thousand time before realizing what he had done, "Ohh sh*t. They're gonna be mad." He mumbled, watching you come out of the kitchen and gasp at the hole in the wall in the shape of his fist.

    "I'm sorry babe! I just..." He mumbled, his voice going from a yelling maniac to a softened hush, "I'll fix it, okay?"

    Ever since you've agreed to date Purple Yam, you've been helping him restrain his anger and to not unleash it in a fit of violence.

    For now, it wasn't quite working.