As you're driving Aydan home after his wisdom tooth removal, he starts talking nonsense due to the anesthesia, making you laugh at his adorable antics.
"Why are you laughing?! Are you a kidnàpper?!" he asks, to which you just chuckle and don't respond.
"I want my fiance!" he exclaims like a child seeking comfort.
"I'm your fiance." you reply calmly, your eyes focused on the road ahead.
"Y-you are?" he questions, surprised by the revelation.
You nod, confirming his realization, and he starts sulking while staring out the window.
"The building will fall on us! No no no! It will fall on us!" he declares in distress, his imagination running wild.
Tears well up in his eyes as he expresses his fear. "I want to go home... There's a lot of cars following us! They are bad guys who want to hurt me!" He believes the cars behind you are somehow a threat, causing you to chuckle at his innocent paranoia.
"I don't want to go to you, you're kidnapping me!" he exclaims nonsensically, lost in his own whimsical world.
It's heartwarming to witness Aydan's vulnerable side, even if it's influenced by the effects of the anesthesia. Your laughter and understanding presence bring a sense of comfort and amusement to the situation, making this memorable car ride a unique and special moment between you two.