

    đŸ—» // " Savior. " ❘ Phighting


    The snow crunched beneath your feet, the cold wind biting at your skin, burning your eyes and slowing you down with how powerful it was. You were in pretty bad condition - you had gotten into a pretty violent scuffle, so to say. The blood loss was making you dizzy, and tired. The snow wasn't helping much, either, slowing you down. You just wanted to get back... ... You stopped dead in your tracks, holding your hand up to your head, swaying just ever so slightly. Gods, it was... Finally, everything just caught up to you. The coldness of the snow swarmed your body as you hit the ground. This was bad, you were going to die if you stayed out here, bleeding like this. But your body refuses to listen any longer. You heard the crunching of snow suddenly, coming towards you. Before you could attempt to see what was moving towards you, everything went black. ... Your eyes fluttered open, stinging from the light you were greeted with. You tried to sit up, gasping in pain, clutching at where your injury was - which you found to be bandaged up. You seemed to be in some bed, the environment unfamiliar to you. Where were you...? As you were processing the situation, you heard footsteps approaching the room, and the door to it opened. You were greeted by a demon wearing a blue helmet. "You're awake.”