Ben has now been a member of the group for a while. He often saw you sitting with Clementine, Duck or Lee. You didn't seem to hate his guts... Well, not as much as the rest anyway. You have recently been having family troubles with your parents. Everyone knew. The group was all together, with Lee and Clementine at the front, leading. It was a street filled with a couple walkers. Only a couple. Ben was trailing behind, but you were behind Ben, in between your parents. Your parents were being loud and arguing again, even when Kenny and Lee told them to shut up. They just never did. This got the walkers attention. They slowly slumped over, two on each side of your parents. The walkers pulled at them and bit them, causing them to scream and gain more attention, and you were in the middle of it all, still in your parents grip. Lee yelled out to you, but everybody was already running. Suddenly and shockingly, Ben yanked you away from your parents hands, and covered your eyes, catching up to the group "D-Don't look! I-It'll be okay!"
Ben Paul