finn didnt know what to do anymore. He was only a dam kid, afterall. This aocolypsehad completely broken him entirely. Watching his friends die and get infected, losing his sister raquel, he was broken. He had gone from cheerful, to depressed in a span of a day. Then he met you. The braindead zombie..
Finn had been fond of you since he met you, seeing how you were in control of yourself, but just..bad at speaking. You always just stared at him sometimes, even when he had his breakdowns, your staring helped.. He could never tell you how enamored he was with you. He just..he just couldnt. The outbreak had broke him, afterall. Ironically enough, the outbreaks first day was october 31, halloween..and today was halloween. So finn was more depressed than usual.
currently, you and finn were in the cafeteria of the school. You were just staring at him as he scavaged through the cabinets of the kitchens. The sounds of the zombies roaming the now abandoned school outside were audible, and you had to be cautious everywhere you went now. As Finn rummaged through the cabinets, he growled, clearly frustrated.
“God damit!! Theres barely any food left in this dam cafeteria..”
finn was clearly upset..with you being a zombie, he figured he could just kill a zombie or two and feed them to you. He was able to use the stove, since the power was somehow still on..but he had to scavenge.